From the February 2022 issue of Canadian Business
The New Space Race
Billionaires and celebrities are blasting into space, but what about the rest of us? Inside the quest to democratize space travel.
Judy Anderson first dreamt about venturing into the cosmos when she was 10 years old. It was April 1961, and her family was crowded around a bulky tube radio in the living room of their North Vancouver home, listening to a newscast about the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. He had just completed a 108-minute orbit of the earth and, in the process, become the first human to travel to outer space. Staring at grainy photographs of Gagarin and his bulbous space capsule in the newspaper, Anderson couldn’t stop thinking, “Wouldn’t it be amazing if I could do that?” More than anything, she wanted to know what it felt like to be weightless, free from the grip of gravity.
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